10919 rank

695,297 points

812 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Vespasian the Brash 1164    Neighbours
Greifental 10919 Vespasian the Brash 1164 Neighbours 695,297 812
Vespasian the Brash 1164    The Valkyries
Noarsil 10780 Vespasian the Brash 1164 The Valkyries 596,592 769
Vespasian the Brash 1164    For Fun
Jaims 11527 Vespasian the Brash 1164 For Fun 510,417 682
Vespasian the Brash 1164    Alynthi
Langendorn 12379 Vespasian the Brash 1164 Alynthi 245,029 462
Vespasian the Brash 1164    Blackbird
Fel Dranghyr 13454 Vespasian the Brash 1164 Blackbird 229,793 482