11341 rank

573,469 points

606 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
49Murphy    Londoners
Dinegu 8861 49Murphy Londoners 2,687,845 1,633
49Murphy    spartakus
Arvahall 11077 49Murphy spartakus 2,349,235 1,803
49Murphy    Knights Templar
Jaims 8686 49Murphy Knights Templar 2,060,119 1,400
49Murphy    Legionnaires
Cirgard 9898 49Murphy Legionnaires 1,864,379 1,436
49Murphy    Dumbledors Army
Odhrorvar 8479 49Murphy Dumbledors Army 1,745,727 1,423
49Murphy    TRUTH & HONOUR
Tuulech 3790 49Murphy TRUTH & HONOUR 1,604,514 1,540
49Murphy    Lady Scarlet
Brisgard 10964 49Murphy Lady Scarlet 1,520,627 1,186
49Murphy    Mordor - N
Noarsil 8967 49Murphy Mordor - N 1,509,306 1,151
49Murphy    Firefly
Sinerania 6781 49Murphy Firefly 1,062,480 1,316
49Murphy    dragons lair
Rugnir 7623 49Murphy dragons lair 892,229 1,109
49Murphy    strela14151415
Parkog 7545 49Murphy strela14151415 700,557 1,001
49Murphy    Wizards Citadel
Greifental 11341 49Murphy Wizards Citadel 573,469 606
49Murphy    Brethren
Fel Dranghyr 11623 49Murphy Brethren 547,167 586
49Murphy    Seekers Of Fortune
East-Nagach 12348 49Murphy Seekers Of Fortune 456,646 580
49Murphy    Island kingdom
Houndsmoor 13043 49Murphy Island kingdom 434,761 463
49Murphy    Glory of War
Uceria 4958 49Murphy Glory of War 360,993 373
49Murphy    Once/Twice a weekers
Mount Killmore 13690 49Murphy Once/Twice a weekers 284,984 363