3350 rank

50,578,195 points

8,265 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Pouchman    LORDS OF RINGS
Dinegu 3136 Pouchman LORDS OF RINGS 63,767,794 9,330
Pouchman    FreeBuilders
Parkog 1674 Pouchman FreeBuilders 55,573,064 8,797
Pouchman    Expeditionary Force
Arvahall 3741 Pouchman Expeditionary Force 55,255,086 8,753
Pouchman    Archaeology
Houndsmoor 3639 Pouchman Archaeology 52,753,835 8,207
Pouchman    Deception
Greifental 3350 Pouchman Deception 50,578,195 8,265