12335 rank

350,817 points

447 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Maxis Dragos    Forged In Fire
Dinegu 1753 Maxis Dragos Forged In Fire 178,619,811 25,064
Maxis Dragos    Lost Souls
Korch 2186 Maxis Dragos Lost Souls 106,287,759 17,415
Maxis Dragos    spacebugs
Langendorn 5041 Maxis Dragos spacebugs 14,467,768 3,522
Maxis Dragos    The round table0876
Houndsmoor 11570 Maxis Dragos The round table0876 818,285 729
Maxis Dragos    Avoid the pain
Greifental 12335 Maxis Dragos Avoid the pain 350,817 447
Maxis Dragos   
Tuulech 6774 Maxis Dragos 194,569 347
Maxis Dragos    Baytors Brigade
Parkog 11985 Maxis Dragos Baytors Brigade 65,482 155