7287 rank

5,765,378 points

4,908 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
BewitchingGirl    chilly
Tuulech 1570 BewitchingGirl chilly 19,014,583 11,885
BewitchingGirl    chilly
Langendorn 6605 BewitchingGirl chilly 5,845,407 6,014
BewitchingGirl    chilly
Greifental 7287 BewitchingGirl chilly 5,765,378 4,908
BewitchingGirl    chilly
Arvahall 10794 BewitchingGirl chilly 2,682,653 4,587
BewitchingGirl    nothing to say
Brisgard 13087 BewitchingGirl nothing to say 608,616 986
BewitchingGirl    nothing to say
Mount Killmore 12959 BewitchingGirl nothing to say 385,130 741