5932 rank

12,355,364 points

2,122 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Croesus the Blessed 849    I~ The Builders ~I T
Tuulech 985 Croesus the Blessed 849 I~ The Builders ~I T 48,453,334 4,168
Croesus the Blessed 849    Last wish
Sinerania 2019 Croesus the Blessed 849 Last wish 36,498,752 3,321
Croesus the Blessed 849    You Be You
Houndsmoor 4914 Croesus the Blessed 849 You Be You 29,700,439 3,311
Croesus the Blessed 849    Playing For Fun
Jaims 4292 Croesus the Blessed 849 Playing For Fun 27,100,501 3,173
Croesus the Blessed 849    Black Water Lion's
Cirgard 4842 Croesus the Blessed 849 Black Water Lion's 25,771,849 3,294
Croesus the Blessed 849    alice's heros
Mount Killmore 4638 Croesus the Blessed 849 alice's heros 22,537,528 2,935
Croesus the Blessed 849    EINSTEIN'S MARBLES
Langendorn 4523 Croesus the Blessed 849 EINSTEIN'S MARBLES 20,614,400 2,658
Croesus the Blessed 849    West End Waters
Arvahall 6334 Croesus the Blessed 849 West End Waters 18,612,538 2,584
Croesus the Blessed 849    Alliance of kingdoms
Parkog 3103 Croesus the Blessed 849 Alliance of kingdoms 17,780,354 2,270
Croesus the Blessed 849    Yippee-Ki-Yay
Fel Dranghyr 5808 Croesus the Blessed 849 Yippee-Ki-Yay 13,106,559 2,267
Croesus the Blessed 849    The White Rabbit
Greifental 5932 Croesus the Blessed 849 The White Rabbit 12,355,364 2,122
Croesus the Blessed 849    Argen
Korch 5711 Croesus the Blessed 849 Argen 11,881,958 2,092
Croesus the Blessed 849    RODS MOWERS
Brisgard 8224 Croesus the Blessed 849 RODS MOWERS 6,368,060 1,384