13886 rank

167,614 points

243 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
William the Terrible 860    Joan the saviour 817
Cirgard 15250 William the Terrible 860 Joan the saviour 817 184,059 202
William the Terrible 860    Joan the saviour
Greifental 13886 William the Terrible 860 Joan the saviour 167,614 243
William the Terrible 860    Joan the saviour
Arvahall 18123 William the Terrible 860 Joan the saviour 161,704 197
William the Terrible 860    Gerald
Korch 14322 William the Terrible 860 Gerald 130,434 145
William the Terrible 860    Force for life
Tuulech 7963 William the Terrible 860 Force for life 98,989 154
William the Terrible 860    The good and the bol
Mount Killmore 16308 William the Terrible 860 The good and the bol 97,661 210
William the Terrible 860    Polomarco
Sinerania 11442 William the Terrible 860 Polomarco 89,053 191
William the Terrible 860    Basbother
Odhrorvar 14532 William the Terrible 860 Basbother 83,969 175
William the Terrible 860    Margaret the magnet
Rugnir 12346 William the Terrible 860 Margaret the magnet 76,120 134
William the Terrible 860    Panther patrol
Fel Dranghyr 16073 William the Terrible 860 Panther patrol 72,831 192
William the Terrible 860    Paulette thelion
Langendorn 15122 William the Terrible 860 Paulette thelion 67,307 188
William the Terrible 860    Joan the saviour
Dinegu 16656 William the Terrible 860 Joan the saviour 66,567 152
William the Terrible 860    Mary the magnificant
Parkog 11961 William the Terrible 860 Mary the magnificant 66,356 202
William the Terrible 860    Good to go
East-Nagach 16745 William the Terrible 860 Good to go 64,497 80
William the Terrible 860    Joan the saviour
Uceria 7375 William the Terrible 860 Joan the saviour 64,237 120
William the Terrible 860    Joan the saviour
Noarsil 15605 William the Terrible 860 Joan the saviour 59,110 111
William the Terrible 860    Gerald forever
Brisgard 20163 William the Terrible 860 Gerald forever 39,893 95
William the Terrible 860    Joan the saviour goo
Houndsmoor 18849 William the Terrible 860 Joan the saviour goo 37,180 75
William the Terrible 860    Gerald the gteat for
Jaims 17960 William the Terrible 860 Gerald the gteat for 29,302 54