10226 rank

977,769 points

2,175 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Willowgreen    Sisyphus
Houndsmoor 4329 Willowgreen Sisyphus 36,873,376 34,000
Willowgreen    Sisyphus
East-Nagach 6529 Willowgreen Sisyphus 9,320,111 9,105
Willowgreen    |~The Builders~| B
Brisgard 7672 Willowgreen |~The Builders~| B 7,659,322 8,643
Willowgreen    Sisyphus
Jaims 6587 Willowgreen Sisyphus 7,206,439 6,325
Tuulech 2705 Willowgreen 5,136,999 3,998
Willowgreen    Sisyphus
Greifental 10226 Willowgreen Sisyphus 977,769 2,175
Rugnir 7499 Willowgreen 922,125 1,340
Willowgreen    The Haven
Mount Killmore 11112 Willowgreen The Haven 809,015 1,249