6904 rank

6,281,892 points

7,451 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Bibo the Builder   
Noarsil 282 Bibo the Builder 730,540,177 170,278
Bibo the Builder    Parking Lot
Houndsmoor 6184 Bibo the Builder Parking Lot 11,869,419 8,774
Bibo the Builder    ᒪIOᑎS ᖇISIᑎG
Greifental 6904 Bibo the Builder ᒪIOᑎS ᖇISIᑎG 6,281,892 7,451
Bibo the Builder   
Arvahall 9274 Bibo the Builder 4,460,771 5,639
Bibo the Builder   
Odhrorvar 7295 Bibo the Builder 3,210,521 4,635
Bibo the Builder   
Fel Dranghyr 8523 Bibo the Builder 2,438,728 3,681
Bibo the Builder   
East-Nagach 8865 Bibo the Builder 2,313,659 3,611
Bibo the Builder   
Dinegu 8968 Bibo the Builder 2,264,370 3,839
Bibo the Builder   
Parkog 6265 Bibo the Builder 1,281,110 5,356