12734 rank

288,832 points

339 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
The Brigadier.    Kernow Krusades
Noarsil 3746 The Brigadier. Kernow Krusades 36,718,610 92,385
The Brigadier.    Kernow Krusades
East-Nagach 11992 The Brigadier. Kernow Krusades 538,606 402
The Brigadier.    Kernow Krusades
Brisgard 14432 The Brigadier. Kernow Krusades 358,801 392
The Brigadier.    Kernow Krusades
Jaims 12443 The Brigadier. Kernow Krusades 340,074 370
The Brigadier.    Kernow Krusades
Cirgard 14136 The Brigadier. Kernow Krusades 293,976 334
The Brigadier.    Kernow Krusades
Greifental 12734 The Brigadier. Kernow Krusades 288,832 339
The Brigadier.    Kernow Krusades
Arvahall 16633 The Brigadier. Kernow Krusades 278,696 344