Rank Name
1 tarmo kivistik
1 tarmo kivistik
2 PaFox
2 PaFox
3 Yeast Beast
3 Yeast Beast
4 gohan2
4 gohan2
5 Spartan23
5 Spartan23
6 *Iceman*
6 *Iceman*
7 Ruffi of Cat
7 Ruffi of Cat
8 Chase the ace
8 Chase the ace
9 ozez
9 ozez
10 diddy68
10 diddy68
11 260000
11 260000
12 Kgmck177
12 Kgmck177
13 wokywoky1056
13 wokywoky1056
14 Mongerboi
14 Mongerboi
15 Gus The Great
15 Gus The Great
16 YouTopian
16 YouTopian
17 M claret
17 M claret
18 Briton
18 Briton
19 Mastinari
19 Mastinari
20 Mikidoks2023
20 Mikidoks2023
21 Lady Feline
21 Lady Feline
22 VonDynamite
22 VonDynamite
23 Redhalo
23 Redhalo
24 Al-Dizl
24 Al-Dizl
25 Myrddin Emrys
25 Myrddin Emrys
26 xxxQueenMARYxxx
26 xxxQueenMARYxxx
27 saz101
27 saz101
28 Sam the Saviour 2000
28 Sam the Saviour 2000
29 MoeFoe
29 MoeFoe
30 Demonik
30 Demonik
31 FOE 2023
31 FOE 2023
32 Saint Grumpy
32 Saint Grumpy
33 liammmm1
33 liammmm1
34 Dido the Glorious 1217
34 Dido the Glorious 1217
35 Margaret the Daring 1913
35 Margaret the Daring 1913
36 Vector
36 Vector
37 EshayHunter7914
37 EshayHunter7914
38 Kippered
38 Kippered
39 Peter the poop
39 Peter the poop
40 Gallienus the Hard 1749
40 Gallienus the Hard 1749
41 Alexa the Black 1157
41 Alexa the Black 1157
42 Tigersam258
42 Tigersam258
43 Minobi
43 Minobi
44 Grelkins McSlaughter
44 Grelkins McSlaughter
45 The 7th Prince of Pride
45 The 7th Prince of Pride
46 Ruben Hurricane Carter
46 Ruben Hurricane Carter
47 Domitian the Lucky 1046
47 Domitian the Lucky 1046
48 KingThorson1975
48 KingThorson1975
49 SpagBol10175360
49 SpagBol10175360
50 Legend09
50 Legend09
51 Spurlo
51 Spurlo
52 Radoja Ldi
52 Radoja Ldi
53 tiger1982
53 tiger1982
54 Thekla the Generous 1312
54 Thekla the Generous 1312

activity index

- Inactive player.
- Only produced resources - farmer.
- At least one battle - fighter.

The activity index is calculated as the total number of all days for each player in the guild.