Rank Name
1 J-MS
1 J-MS
2 sir p of scoles
2 sir p of scoles
3 partizan*
3 partizan*
4 .ARIS.
4 .ARIS.
5 GerryPhantom
5 GerryPhantom
6 Casamahoney
6 Casamahoney
7 Colonel Baldrick
7 Colonel Baldrick
8 Vkt3
8 Vkt3
9 jim158
9 jim158
11 --Bombshell--
11 --Bombshell--
12 Michael The Marvel
12 Michael The Marvel
13 Lost Cause
13 Lost Cause
14 Melina the Bold 399
14 Melina the Bold 399
15 Mike the Mike
15 Mike the Mike
16 No Comment
16 No Comment
17 siscomkii
17 siscomkii
18 Fab500
18 Fab500
19 Lady Lisur
19 Lady Lisur
20 Wildsheep
20 Wildsheep
21 cbsbuild
21 cbsbuild
22 Finchman
22 Finchman
23 Jazz22
23 Jazz22
24 Carlos 458
24 Carlos 458
25 Little Tiny Tree
25 Little Tiny Tree
26 Daniel Oanta
26 Daniel Oanta
27 VMihov
27 VMihov
28 Jason Bourne
28 Jason Bourne
29 Rupretch
29 Rupretch
30 Zoe the Prophet 460
30 Zoe the Prophet 460
31 Miyagi9
31 Miyagi9
32 Aaron Dean
32 Aaron Dean
33 Axl the terrible
33 Axl the terrible
34 Woolfson
34 Woolfson
35 pbrasher
35 pbrasher
36 maddads the great
36 maddads the great
37 Niko111333
37 Niko111333
38 Darth DziaDzia
38 Darth DziaDzia
39 jollii
39 jollii
40 Tom 3
40 Tom 3
41 Richard IV
41 Richard IV
42 Pooch3581
42 Pooch3581
43 Perseus the Merciful 616
43 Perseus the Merciful 616
44 Mick the Jagger
44 Mick the Jagger
45 gem3n1
45 gem3n1
46 Aeva Amore
46 Aeva Amore
47 .Marcus.
47 .Marcus.
48 kokoluskok
48 kokoluskok
49 Darth Rikshi
49 Darth Rikshi
50 MMirjana
50 MMirjana
51 Nosferatu.uk
51 Nosferatu.uk
52 Brenda the great1
52 Brenda the great1
53 davenz
53 davenz
54 kkgraham
54 kkgraham
55 herriez
55 herriez
56 crankyhawk
56 crankyhawk
57 The destroyer breen
57 The destroyer breen
58 cezarus
58 cezarus
59 Roderick II
59 Roderick II
60 Fiza the Fearless
60 Fiza the Fearless
61 areanis
61 areanis
62 Scombes13
62 Scombes13
63 Ben del Torro
63 Ben del Torro
64 OverlordRowdy
64 OverlordRowdy
65 Dominyon
65 Dominyon
66 BlackCat17
66 BlackCat17
67 Zeltchoron
67 Zeltchoron
68 maanshan
68 maanshan
69 Evalina
69 Evalina
70 KORTO 2020
70 KORTO 2020
71 Pythagoraso
71 Pythagoraso
72 Count Queasy
72 Count Queasy
73 Prince Willy I
73 Prince Willy I
74 Prime Ministers
74 Prime Ministers
75 FighterBurana
75 FighterBurana
76 DinosaurBait
76 DinosaurBait
77 Xploit08
77 Xploit08
78 Pipris of Lynwood
78 Pipris of Lynwood
79 Fentoe
79 Fentoe

activity index

- Inactive player.
- Only produced resources - farmer.
- At least one battle - fighter.

The activity index is calculated as the total number of all days for each player in the guild.