2439 rank

94,089,591 points

21,207 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Thea the Bloody 698    Zen town
Houndsmoor 2439 Thea the Bloody 698 Zen town 94,089,591 21,207
Thea the Bloody 698    Zen Zone
Cirgard 2478 Thea the Bloody 698 Zen Zone 78,660,155 24,171
Thea the Bloody 698    Diamond Town
Langendorn 2323 Thea the Bloody 698 Diamond Town 68,092,254 20,417
Thea the Bloody 698    Endeavour
East-Nagach 2936 Thea the Bloody 698 Endeavour 56,744,968 20,560