12244 rank

598,264 points

751 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
The executioner    The Executioners
Mount Killmore 442 The executioner The Executioners 753,476,785 178,018
The executioner    The Executioners
Odhrorvar 992 The executioner The Executioners 293,937,588 93,746
The executioner    The Executioners
Brisgard 9827 The executioner The Executioners 2,637,823 1,735
The executioner    ☸️ ZEN Warriors ☯️
Uceria 3232 The executioner ☸️ ZEN Warriors ☯️ 1,802,964 20
The executioner    The Executioners
Arvahall 11900 The executioner The Executioners 1,663,823 2,447
The executioner    The Executioners
Houndsmoor 12244 The executioner The Executioners 598,264 751