8571 rank

3,915,179 points

1,059 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Charron    Take It Easy Guild
Cirgard 6356 Charron Take It Easy Guild 10,945,580 3,068
Charron    Governors
Dinegu 7361 Charron Governors 6,037,754 1,801
Charron    Sriwijaya
Houndsmoor 8571 Charron Sriwijaya 3,915,179 1,059
Charron    The Chosen Few
Fel Dranghyr 8001 Charron The Chosen Few 3,597,671 1,087
Charron    solo
Sinerania 5086 Charron solo 3,158,463 964
Charron    Downunder
Mount Killmore 8979 Charron Downunder 2,077,274 652
Charron    F O E Addict
Odhrorvar 8166 Charron F O E Addict 2,051,195 824
Charron    Diamonds & Farmers
Tuulech 3458 Charron Diamonds & Farmers 1,901,718 1,237
Charron    Soldiers of Fortune
Langendorn 9681 Charron Soldiers of Fortune 897,412 540