5377 rank

20,405,705 points

12,424 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
ZaksS    🥃🌹🍷🍾
Sinerania 375 ZaksS 🥃🌹🍷🍾 303,103,842 107,961
ZaksS    Colonial Explorers
Greifental 3914 ZaksS Colonial Explorers 35,673,059 23,004
ZaksS    Pict Nation
Houndsmoor 5377 ZaksS Pict Nation 20,405,705 12,424
Arvahall 5913 ZaksS 19,714,075 12,538
ZaksS    knights of Ne
Brisgard 5577 ZaksS knights of Ne 18,362,896 11,931