8955 rank

3,075,228 points

3,720 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
sconvers    🔱 Swords of Honor
Brisgard 1477 sconvers 🔱 Swords of Honor 216,575,826 184,619
sconvers    The Easygoing Bunch
Fel Dranghyr 7378 sconvers The Easygoing Bunch 5,136,150 3,766
sconvers    High Honour
Cirgard 8294 sconvers High Honour 4,212,246 3,509
sconvers    Ave Bellum 📯
Dinegu 8288 sconvers Ave Bellum 📯 3,638,282 3,564
sconvers    Avoid the pain
Greifental 8188 sconvers Avoid the pain 3,177,059 3,637
sconvers    Seekers Of Fortune
East-Nagach 8485 sconvers Seekers Of Fortune 3,166,402 3,656
sconvers    Mainly Mobile
Houndsmoor 8955 sconvers Mainly Mobile 3,075,228 3,720