9193 rank

2,698,880 points

962 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
MattMitchell    Knights of Freedom
Arvahall 3415 MattMitchell Knights of Freedom 66,012,062 10,522
MattMitchell    Lazy Storm
Greifental 5812 MattMitchell Lazy Storm 12,152,054 2,207
MattMitchell    Star Ship Enterprise
Brisgard 6580 MattMitchell Star Ship Enterprise 11,826,381 2,423
MattMitchell    Brave Harts
Cirgard 6533 MattMitchell Brave Harts 10,059,489 1,770
Fel Dranghyr 6153 MattMitchell 9,977,513 1,784
MattMitchell    Dudes and Dudets
Houndsmoor 9193 MattMitchell Dudes and Dudets 2,698,880 962
MattMitchell    Dark Avengers
Jaims 8355 MattMitchell Dark Avengers 2,420,545 1,011
MattMitchell    Spartan Empire
Dinegu 9243 MattMitchell Spartan Empire 2,094,768 1,488
Korch 8795 MattMitchell 1,900,602 988
MattMitchell    Lord of the gods
East-Nagach 9418 MattMitchell Lord of the gods 1,855,427 1,431
MattMitchell    LORE
Odhrorvar 9191 MattMitchell LORE 1,154,248 860
MattMitchell    Lost Gods
Langendorn 17954 MattMitchell Lost Gods 20,384 158