2828 rank

80,687,700 points

12,458 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
garycockayne    ces't une moi....
Houndsmoor 2828 garycockayne ces't une moi.... 80,687,700 12,458
garycockayne    TheGeorgeCostanzas
Arvahall 8926 garycockayne TheGeorgeCostanzas 5,616,220 1,979
garycockayne    uTrade Fel Dranghyr
Fel Dranghyr 8763 garycockayne uTrade Fel Dranghyr 2,169,540 1,063
garycockayne    no-one welcome
Brisgard 11480 garycockayne no-one welcome 1,173,029 1,109
garycockayne    Egg Banjo and Brew
Cirgard 11757 garycockayne Egg Banjo and Brew 802,533 783
garycockayne    itisit
Greifental 11332 garycockayne itisit 602,451 541
garycockayne    selfIsh isolating
East-Nagach 12514 garycockayne selfIsh isolating 435,433 453
garycockayne    OAPs united
Dinegu 13150 garycockayne OAPs united 347,850 997
garycockayne    itsjustme
Rugnir 12993 garycockayne itsjustme 58,227 238
garycockayne    deathandpestilence
Langendorn 16174 garycockayne deathandpestilence 47,831 553