2960 rank

88,794,414 points

14,431 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Jurrassic1    Starship Chosen
Brisgard 1558 Jurrassic1 Starship Chosen 227,638,640 30,306
Jurrassic1    Order of the Eagle
Cirgard 1663 Jurrassic1 Order of the Eagle 191,102,265 21,968
Jurrassic1    kev n perry go large
Arvahall 2208 Jurrassic1 kev n perry go large 151,844,592 20,667
Jurrassic1    🏥 Asylum 🏥 Join Us
Odhrorvar 1663 Jurrassic1 🏥 Asylum 🏥 Join Us 148,571,940 16,895
Jurrassic1    ⚔️Union of Legends⚔️
Houndsmoor 2960 Jurrassic1 ⚔️Union of Legends⚔️ 88,794,414 14,431