282 rank

1,254,310,613 points

345,118 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
spud the snowman    🔥Power of Dragons🔥
Houndsmoor 282 spud the snowman 🔥Power of Dragons🔥 1,254,310,613 345,118
spud the snowman    SHELL
Jaims 1381 spud the snowman SHELL 212,067,358 50,677
spud the snowman    black and amber
Brisgard 7316 spud the snowman black and amber 9,337,879 2,885
spud the snowman    K CAT
Arvahall 8182 spud the snowman K CAT 8,615,153 4,572
spud the snowman    Black & amber
Mount Killmore 8109 spud the snowman Black & amber 3,494,047 1,406
spud the snowman    Black & amber
Odhrorvar 7517 spud the snowman Black & amber 3,170,882 1,084
spud the snowman    Black & amber
Korch 8197 spud the snowman Black & amber 2,746,945 871
spud the snowman    sammy's den
Greifental 10872 spud the snowman sammy's den 712,831 492