10065 rank

1,630,008 points

630 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Fred the bear    IndoForger
Arvahall 11258 Fred the bear IndoForger 2,047,483 724
Fred the bear    Masonic_guys
Brisgard 10477 Fred the bear Masonic_guys 1,826,874 715
Fred the bear   
Odhrorvar 8378 Fred the bear 1,809,785 692
Fred the bear    Canadian Bacon Eh
Houndsmoor 10065 Fred the bear Canadian Bacon Eh 1,630,008 630
Fred the bear    Black Forest
Cirgard 10103 Fred the bear Black Forest 1,605,093 591
Fred the bear    the casuals
Mount Killmore 9527 Fred the bear the casuals 1,581,690 626
Fred the bear    Human Dragon
Korch 9262 Fred the bear Human Dragon 1,522,873 707
Fred the bear    Diamond Guild
Fel Dranghyr 14495 Fred the bear Diamond Guild 149,604 174