17671 rank

60,944 points

118 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Richie the man    ::For Fun::
Jaims 15938 Richie the man ::For Fun:: 71,484 68
Richie the man   
Houndsmoor 17671 Richie the man 60,944 118
Richie the man   
East-Nagach 17311 Richie the man 54,001 55
Richie the man    Sanctuary
Mount Killmore 18064 Richie the man Sanctuary 50,780 51
Richie the man    latinos
Odhrorvar 15717 Richie the man latinos 50,522 60
Richie the man   
Korch 16707 Richie the man 47,718 63
Richie the man    Attica
Fel Dranghyr 17194 Richie the man Attica 47,229 55
Richie the man    The Pirates
Noarsil 17923 Richie the man The Pirates 23,574 54