3726 rank

51,954,759 points

28,142 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Pythagoras the Great 555    Renegades
Jaims 1785 Pythagoras the Great 555 Renegades 141,301,095 49,647
Pythagoras the Great 555   
Houndsmoor 3726 Pythagoras the Great 555 51,954,759 28,142
Pythagoras the Great 555   
Cirgard 3466 Pythagoras the Great 555 51,825,252 27,207
Pythagoras the Great 555   
Langendorn 2989 Pythagoras the Great 555 51,580,521 28,696
Pythagoras the Great 555   
Korch 3966 Pythagoras the Great 555 29,556,958 26,146
Pythagoras the Great 555   
Greifental 6612 Pythagoras the Great 555 8,219,787 14,594