5638 rank

15,397,573 points

5,653 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Jonsi the Great    Better on my own
Brisgard 3315 Jonsi the Great Better on my own 51,894,317 10,782
Jonsi the Great    Better alone!
Arvahall 3721 Jonsi the Great Better alone! 46,832,307 10,539
Jonsi the Great    WOLF PACK
Dinegu 3507 Jonsi the Great WOLF PACK 42,813,712 10,631
Jonsi the Great    f*ck off y'all
Fel Dranghyr 3866 Jonsi the Great f*ck off y'all 31,099,762 8,811
Jonsi the Great    better on my own!
East-Nagach 3851 Jonsi the Great better on my own! 31,016,122 10,424
Jonsi the Great    Drunk Monkeys
Cirgard 4032 Jonsi the Great Drunk Monkeys 30,054,511 8,251
Jonsi the Great    Jonsi alone
Noarsil 3864 Jonsi the Great Jonsi alone 27,217,948 6,225
Jonsi the Great    Jonsi LV
Mount Killmore 3895 Jonsi the Great Jonsi LV 25,996,695 7,500
Jonsi the Great    My game, my rules!
Greifental 4317 Jonsi the Great My game, my rules! 24,748,939 7,348
Jonsi the Great    Jonsi
Korch 4204 Jonsi the Great Jonsi 21,721,844 6,819
Jonsi the Great    My guild! My rules!
Rugnir 2711 Jonsi the Great My guild! My rules! 20,712,954 8,944
Jonsi the Great    My guild, my rules!
Odhrorvar 4083 Jonsi the Great My guild, my rules! 19,563,932 7,169
Jonsi the Great    My way
Jaims 4561 Jonsi the Great My way 17,865,823 5,899
Jonsi the Great    My guild, my rules!
Langendorn 4528 Jonsi the Great My guild, my rules! 16,015,155 6,946
Jonsi the Great    War Sloths
Parkog 2772 Jonsi the Great War Sloths 15,803,820 8,023
Jonsi the Great    solo me
Houndsmoor 5638 Jonsi the Great solo me 15,397,573 5,653
Jonsi the Great    Me - alone
Sinerania 2640 Jonsi the Great Me - alone 14,799,117 7,491
Jonsi the Great    Jonsi alone
Tuulech 2406 Jonsi the Great Jonsi alone 4,418,663 3,135
Jonsi the Great    Better on my own!
Uceria 2242 Jonsi the Great Better on my own! 2,540,034 3,080