14550 rank

232,463 points

747 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
juris999    B.O.B bandofbrothers
Arvahall 12467 juris999 B.O.B bandofbrothers 1,238,283 1,294
juris999    The Worlds Greatest
Brisgard 12339 juris999 The Worlds Greatest 811,657 1,022
Dinegu 11948 juris999 577,457 770
juris999    beyblades
Greifental 12680 juris999 beyblades 302,578 475
juris999    FireArms
Houndsmoor 14550 juris999 FireArms 232,463 747
juris999    Vamps
East-Nagach 14965 juris999 Vamps 145,871 288
juris999    jousting jesters
Fel Dranghyr 14666 juris999 jousting jesters 139,146 252
Jaims 15747 juris999 78,119 237