5 rank

5,410,237,316 points

1,101,941 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Addonexus    A S G A R D ⚔️
Houndsmoor 5 Addonexus A S G A R D ⚔️ 5,410,237,316 1,101,941
Addonexus    SKYFORGE
Greifental 5448 Addonexus SKYFORGE 15,596,891 1,923
Addonexus    Bravehearts
Arvahall 6680 Addonexus Bravehearts 15,547,368 2,018
Addonexus    Land down under.
Cirgard 5849 Addonexus Land down under. 15,231,441 1,899
Addonexus    Kingdom of Jerusalem
East-Nagach 5670 Addonexus Kingdom of Jerusalem 15,112,106 1,953
Addonexus    Kings of Kings Jallo
Brisgard 6208 Addonexus Kings of Kings Jallo 14,989,653 1,951
Addonexus    Peace on Earth.
Dinegu 5700 Addonexus Peace on Earth. 14,880,621 2,103
Addonexus    devils brigade
Korch 5296 Addonexus devils brigade 14,512,740 1,963
Addonexus    The Power
Jaims 5353 Addonexus The Power 14,477,277 1,932
Addonexus    Srbistan
Noarsil 5285 Addonexus Srbistan 14,225,488 1,961
Addonexus    Lily of the Crown
Langendorn 5093 Addonexus Lily of the Crown 14,133,847 1,866
Addonexus    Children of God
Fel Dranghyr 5620 Addonexus Children of God 14,116,457 1,993
Addonexus    Triumph of Sion
Mount Killmore 5474 Addonexus Triumph of Sion 13,939,739 1,946
Addonexus    NED KELLY GANG
Odhrorvar 5074 Addonexus NED KELLY GANG 13,279,105 1,960
Addonexus    Mavericks
Rugnir 5787 Addonexus Mavericks 3,065,575 884
Addonexus    Gotham
Parkog 5382 Addonexus Gotham 3,046,776 875
Addonexus    The Royal Guard
Sinerania 6055 Addonexus The Royal Guard 1,667,015 729
Addonexus    True Love 20/20
Tuulech 4074 Addonexus True Love 20/20 1,263,499 1,381