3709 rank

58,167,606 points

12,868 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
tony the druid    Friends4Fun
Jaims 2481 tony the druid Friends4Fun 91,175,742 17,543
tony the druid    Glory
Rugnir 1788 tony the druid Glory 69,634,614 14,915
tony the druid    ARGOUNOTS
Odhrorvar 2640 tony the druid ARGOUNOTS 68,951,585 14,180
tony the druid    Scotland The Brave
Houndsmoor 3709 tony the druid Scotland The Brave 58,167,606 12,868
tony the druid    HOAX
Fel Dranghyr 3397 tony the druid HOAX 54,994,380 12,738
tony the druid    helldive impostors
Parkog 1878 tony the druid helldive impostors 53,887,026 11,804
tony the druid    Middle Earth PC
Sinerania 2030 tony the druid Middle Earth PC 35,895,676 11,094
tony the druid    Kingdom of Jerusalem
Arvahall 5211 tony the druid Kingdom of Jerusalem 30,791,009 8,516
tony the druid    gerard
East-Nagach 5256 tony the druid gerard 18,795,267 6,274