5478 rank

16,712,394 points

15,171 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Debs the Unimaginative    Rangers of the Realm
Langendorn 1486 Debs the Unimaginative Rangers of the Realm 133,498,899 58,687
Debs the Unimaginative   
Rugnir 1071 Debs the Unimaginative 98,857,327 32,338
Debs the Unimaginative    Princess Bride
Houndsmoor 5478 Debs the Unimaginative Princess Bride 16,712,394 15,171
Debs the Unimaginative    Alliance of Empires
Noarsil 5304 Debs the Unimaginative Alliance of Empires 11,895,764 14,370
Debs the Unimaginative   
Dinegu 5876 Debs the Unimaginative 11,471,000 13,619
Debs the Unimaginative    The Kingdom
Mount Killmore 5901 Debs the Unimaginative The Kingdom 9,370,363 7,238