18519 rank

43,956 points

78 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Idiot the Elliott    Herd of Turtles 🐢🐢
Parkog 3389 Idiot the Elliott Herd of Turtles 🐢🐢 12,875,691 23,779
Idiot the Elliott    Herd of turles
East-Nagach 7973 Idiot the Elliott Herd of turles 4,308,576 2,418
Idiot the Elliott   
Uceria 3547 Idiot the Elliott 1,105,953 2,583
Idiot the Elliott   
Brisgard 14779 Idiot the Elliott 308,260 73
Idiot the Elliott    World Eater
Arvahall 16821 Idiot the Elliott World Eater 262,096 241
Idiot the Elliott    Iron Trader
Odhrorvar 12287 Idiot the Elliott Iron Trader 248,288 271
Idiot the Elliott    World Eater
Houndsmoor 18519 Idiot the Elliott World Eater 43,956 78
Idiot the Elliott    World Eater
Tuulech 9436 Idiot the Elliott World Eater 41,388 30
Idiot the Elliott    ⚔️M I S F I T S
Mount Killmore 18680 Idiot the Elliott ⚔️M I S F I T S 39,674 84
Idiot the Elliott    Turtles of herd
Korch 17749 Idiot the Elliott Turtles of herd 29,846 42