2838 rank

89,939,520 points

31,121 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
5uperd4ve92    The Unkowns
Houndsmoor 2838 5uperd4ve92 The Unkowns 89,939,520 31,121
5uperd4ve92    {><}_[^^]_|**|_{><}
Korch 10535 5uperd4ve92 {><}_[^^]_|**|_{><} 787,941 1,320
5uperd4ve92    >||<
Brisgard 12757 5uperd4ve92 >||< 681,389 723
5uperd4ve92    Name
Jaims 13533 5uperd4ve92 Name 211,878 587
5uperd4ve92    The Eye of Ozma
Sinerania 10653 5uperd4ve92 The Eye of Ozma 128,182 195