3335 rank

72,654,340 points

10,212 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Pouchman    LORDS OF RINGS
Dinegu 3037 Pouchman LORDS OF RINGS 76,989,753 11,240
Pouchman    Expeditionary Force
Arvahall 3429 Pouchman Expeditionary Force 75,277,820 10,938
Pouchman    Archaeology
Houndsmoor 3335 Pouchman Archaeology 72,654,340 10,212
Pouchman    FreeBuilders
Parkog 1615 Pouchman FreeBuilders 70,894,375 10,677
Pouchman    Deception
Greifental 3093 Pouchman Deception 66,751,657 10,176