7331 rank

8,169,596 points

5,022 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
MONOLITH1976    The Cat Empire
Houndsmoor 7331 MONOLITH1976 The Cat Empire 8,169,596 5,022
MONOLITH1976    Knights of Honour
Cirgard 8280 MONOLITH1976 Knights of Honour 4,524,922 3,340
MONOLITH1976    The Diamond Miners
Greifental 8058 MONOLITH1976 The Diamond Miners 3,569,289 2,746
MONOLITH1976    "The Green Mile"
Noarsil 7808 MONOLITH1976 "The Green Mile" 3,062,593 2,644
MONOLITH1976    Exiles
Rugnir 6351 MONOLITH1976 Exiles 2,012,815 2,367
Uceria 5205 MONOLITH1976 306,883 577