15931 rank

128,820 points

395 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
darko10    For the queen
Fel Dranghyr 14408 darko10 For the queen 155,569 364
darko10    Glowing Embers
Brisgard 16664 darko10 Glowing Embers 148,331 432
darko10    The round table0876
Houndsmoor 15931 darko10 The round table0876 128,820 395
darko10    Dunno
Rugnir 11528 darko10 Dunno 114,925 362
Korch 14891 darko10 105,976 313
darko10    Take a rest
Sinerania 11266 darko10 Take a rest 92,865 324