13600 rank

345,350 points

279 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
The Padster    Ghost rider
Dinegu 1906 The Padster Ghost rider 145,378,926 17,669
The Padster    Outlaws
Uceria 2625 The Padster Outlaws 2,955,937 1,278
The Padster    ZoraNova
Korch 9238 The Padster ZoraNova 1,539,320 961
The Padster    Colossus
Parkog 6359 The Padster Colossus 1,364,785 531
The Padster    swayers
Greifental 11997 The Padster swayers 416,853 309
The Padster    SAILORS
Houndsmoor 13600 The Padster SAILORS 345,350 279
The Padster    As You Please
Odhrorvar 13289 The Padster As You Please 152,632 202