15286 rank

163,081 points

105 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Crusader66    Wardogs
Parkog 883 Crusader66 Wardogs 183,396,732 14,167
Crusader66    Easy going Guild
Arvahall 9014 Crusader66 Easy going Guild 6,333,899 1,590
Crusader66    Lanister House
Rugnir 5834 Crusader66 Lanister House 3,075,496 680
Crusader66    New Explorers
Mount Killmore 8798 Crusader66 New Explorers 2,426,057 1,109
Crusader66    The Omega Sanctum
Cirgard 10446 Crusader66 The Omega Sanctum 1,471,541 748
Crusader66    Peace Nation
Dinegu 11648 Crusader66 Peace Nation 666,854 480
Brisgard 13007 Crusader66 657,691 333
Tuulech 5692 Crusader66 420,415 278
Crusader66    Okkum’s Razor
Sinerania 8578 Crusader66 Okkum’s Razor 418,757 270
Crusader66    Newcomers
Greifental 12659 Crusader66 Newcomers 312,856 246
Crusader66    World Legion
Jaims 12909 Crusader66 World Legion 280,539 314
Crusader66    WinterIsComing
Noarsil 12856 Crusader66 WinterIsComing 228,025 265
Crusader66    Outlaw Rider
East-Nagach 14578 Crusader66 Outlaw Rider 173,920 177
Crusader66    united empires
Uceria 6240 Crusader66 united empires 168,876 196
Crusader66    Trojans
Korch 13903 Crusader66 Trojans 163,655 177
Crusader66    wolf pack
Houndsmoor 15286 Crusader66 wolf pack 163,081 105
Crusader66    Shadows Ashes
Fel Dranghyr 14396 Crusader66 Shadows Ashes 156,095 179
Crusader66    white wolves
Odhrorvar 14221 Crusader66 white wolves 95,713 105
Crusader66    White Lion
Langendorn 15803 Crusader66 White Lion 51,604 94