6923 rank

9,601,165 points

1,922 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Iokasta the Bold 644    Stone on Fire
Jaims 3988 Iokasta the Bold 644 Stone on Fire 29,874,017 4,648
Iokasta the Bold 644    Fairy Folk
Mount Killmore 5242 Iokasta the Bold 644 Fairy Folk 15,034,214 2,642
Iokasta the Bold 644    jmb
Parkog 3310 Iokasta the Bold 644 jmb 13,506,131 2,664
Iokasta the Bold 644    Azaroth
Greifental 6202 Iokasta the Bold 644 Azaroth 10,102,777 2,055
Iokasta the Bold 644    Knights of the world
Houndsmoor 6923 Iokasta the Bold 644 Knights of the world 9,601,165 1,922
Iokasta the Bold 644    Camelot
Rugnir 4759 Iokasta the Bold 644 Camelot 6,203,176 1,497
Iokasta the Bold 644    Circle of light
Odhrorvar 7603 Iokasta the Bold 644 Circle of light 2,886,309 1,008