1455 rank

186,515,296 points

52,257 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Alexa the Savior 662    Beer Drinkers
Jaims 1455 Alexa the Savior 662 Beer Drinkers 186,515,296 52,257
Alexa the Savior 662   
Noarsil 12308 Alexa the Savior 662 292,393 644
Alexa the Savior 662   
Parkog 11373 Alexa the Savior 662 88,493 320
Alexa the Savior 662   
Rugnir 12111 Alexa the Savior 662 85,468 251
Alexa the Savior 662   
Greifental 16440 Alexa the Savior 662 53,032 242
Alexa the Savior 662   
Fel Dranghyr 16868 Alexa the Savior 662 52,844 222