13356 rank

227,380 points

331 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Irais    Alexander the Great
Brisgard 1840 Irais Alexander the Great 185,647,076 28,054
Irais    Gamers
Mount Killmore 11493 Irais Gamers 723,059 970
Irais    The Burrs
Sinerania 8839 Irais The Burrs 370,388 676
Irais    Dessert land
Cirgard 14094 Irais Dessert land 314,983 466
Irais    New Republic Reborn
East-Nagach 13810 Irais New Republic Reborn 247,420 396
Fel Dranghyr 13481 Irais 241,802 362
Jaims 13356 Irais 227,380 331
Irais    Masters of Mayhem
Korch 13614 Irais Masters of Mayhem 190,961 332
Irais    Freedom milita
Greifental 13994 Irais Freedom milita 166,147 278
Rugnir 11060 Irais 157,458 311
Irais    Spinning Webs 🕸
Arvahall 18413 Irais Spinning Webs 🕸 152,496 393
Irais    ChaosReigns
Odhrorvar 13397 Irais ChaosReigns 142,581 296
Irais    Guild of Narnia
Parkog 10611 Irais Guild of Narnia 140,036 326
Houndsmoor 15708 Irais NO GVG PLAY FOR FUN 136,453 255
Irais    Black Lion
Noarsil 13975 Irais Black Lion 131,139 340
Irais    NatteVogterne
Langendorn 13861 Irais NatteVogterne 123,247 259
Irais    Carpe Diem!
Dinegu 15711 Irais Carpe Diem! 100,042 240
Irais    SMS
Uceria 7348 Irais SMS 82,524 141
Irais    The Golden Sloth
Tuulech 9410 Irais The Golden Sloth 50,649 158