7958 rank

3,399,942 points

11,516 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Nike the Righteous 769    Jukebox🎶🎵🎼
Greifental 766 Nike the Righteous 769 Jukebox🎶🎵🎼 519,026,086 118,644
Nike the Righteous 769    Diamond💎Chasers
Sinerania 4826 Nike the Righteous 769 Diamond💎Chasers 4,414,309 15,203
Nike the Righteous 769    Diamonds & Farmers
Dinegu 8076 Nike the Righteous 769 Diamonds & Farmers 4,400,898 13,664
Nike the Righteous 769    Diamonds & Farmers
Arvahall 9913 Nike the Righteous 769 Diamonds & Farmers 4,166,084 15,072
Nike the Righteous 769    Diamond Chasers
Brisgard 9159 Nike the Righteous 769 Diamond Chasers 4,039,124 13,771
Nike the Righteous 769    Diamonds & Farmers
Uceria 2784 Nike the Righteous 769 Diamonds & Farmers 3,705,003 13,255
Nike the Righteous 769    Friendly Guild
Cirgard 8714 Nike the Righteous 769 Friendly Guild 3,671,918 13,772
Nike the Righteous 769    War Pigs
Korch 7763 Nike the Righteous 769 War Pigs 3,660,309 11,743
Nike the Righteous 769    Absolute Zero Drama
Noarsil 7603 Nike the Righteous 769 Absolute Zero Drama 3,651,043 13,489
Nike the Righteous 769    Easy Going Guild
Jaims 7958 Nike the Righteous 769 Easy Going Guild 3,399,942 11,516
Nike the Righteous 769    Diamonds & Farmers
Langendorn 7535 Nike the Righteous 769 Diamonds & Farmers 3,269,445 11,670
Nike the Righteous 769    FightClub ⚔️R Mine💎
Rugnir 5788 Nike the Righteous 769 FightClub ⚔️R Mine💎 3,213,414 11,644
Nike the Righteous 769    💎Diamonds & Farmers
Odhrorvar 7664 Nike the Righteous 769 💎Diamonds & Farmers 2,929,866 11,027
Nike the Righteous 769   
Parkog 5515 Nike the Righteous 769 2,812,319 10,834
Nike the Righteous 769    💎DIAMOND💎FARMERS💎
Mount Killmore 8682 Nike the Righteous 769 💎DIAMOND💎FARMERS💎 2,577,957 11,826
Nike the Righteous 769    Diamonds & Farmers
Fel Dranghyr 9591 Nike the Righteous 769 Diamonds & Farmers 1,502,246 6,124
Nike the Righteous 769    Relax & Enjoy
Houndsmoor 10357 Nike the Righteous 769 Relax & Enjoy 1,487,455 6,152
Nike the Righteous 769    Diamond Chasers EN18
Tuulech 4117 Nike the Righteous 769 Diamond Chasers EN18 1,347,639 6,000
Nike the Righteous 769    Diamonds & Farmers
East-Nagach 10485 Nike the Righteous 769 Diamonds & Farmers 1,129,701 5,950