16786 rank

59,833 points

154 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
adius1    The Free
Dinegu 14988 adius1 The Free 169,634 163
adius1    Tideswell
Jaims 16786 adius1 Tideswell 59,833 154
adius1    Architects of Fate
East-Nagach 17645 adius1 Architects of Fate 54,439 130
adius1    Forge Empire
Brisgard 20673 adius1 Forge Empire 40,808 50
adius1    Just Chill
Mount Killmore 19363 adius1 Just Chill 39,151 60
adius1    Heretics
Arvahall 23533 adius1 Heretics 27,733 97
adius1    The Retreat
Cirgard 20727 adius1 The Retreat 25,468 109
Fel Dranghyr 19830 adius1 20,703 45