8555 rank

2,125,072 points

1,244 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Sir Pud of Shields    French Maids
Greifental 2329 Sir Pud of Shields French Maids 99,085,214 12,342
Sir Pud of Shields    Valar Dohaeris
Arvahall 4541 Sir Pud of Shields Valar Dohaeris 36,353,631 11,529
Sir Pud of Shields    Odin's Own
Brisgard 4722 Sir Pud of Shields Odin's Own 27,897,710 9,578
Sir Pud of Shields    The Pudding Club
Korch 6338 Sir Pud of Shields The Pudding Club 7,861,609 4,436
Sir Pud of Shields    ASTURIAS
Odhrorvar 5945 Sir Pud of Shields ASTURIAS 7,664,575 7,170
Sir Pud of Shields    INTEL
Dinegu 6891 Sir Pud of Shields INTEL 7,542,525 3,951
Sir Pud of Shields    The French Maid
Jaims 8555 Sir Pud of Shields The French Maid 2,125,072 1,244
Sir Pud of Shields    Brotherband
Houndsmoor 11788 Sir Pud of Shields Brotherband 735,306 828