13667 rank

191,592 points

463 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
tasslehof    Agile Panthers
Fel Dranghyr 11998 tasslehof Agile Panthers 462,909 898
tasslehof    Para alnte
Cirgard 13269 tasslehof Para alnte 430,811 837
tasslehof    NWO
Houndsmoor 13896 tasslehof NWO 296,620 905
East-Nagach 13851 tasslehof 233,028 388
tasslehof    town of foe
Jaims 13667 tasslehof town of foe 191,592 463
tasslehof    Zombieland
Arvahall 19520 tasslehof Zombieland 92,983 198
tasslehof    Ace
Korch 15913 tasslehof Ace 62,177 544