7755 rank

3,544,989 points

2,792 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
chicki    The Nutz
Brisgard 4464 chicki The Nutz 32,379,383 12,033
chicki    Demons of Darkness
Fel Dranghyr 4182 chicki Demons of Darkness 29,859,088 12,216
chicki    Lets go Brandon
Odhrorvar 5529 chicki Lets go Brandon 9,599,410 8,230
chicki    LOVE SHACK
Mount Killmore 6938 chicki LOVE SHACK 6,354,844 4,293
chicki    The Red Wolf
Cirgard 7599 chicki The Red Wolf 6,016,120 4,729
chicki    Black Swan
Greifental 7774 chicki Black Swan 4,183,739 3,423
chicki    alone again
Jaims 7755 chicki alone again 3,544,989 2,792
Houndsmoor 9520 chicki 2,186,688 5,034
chicki    Chilled
East-Nagach 9234 chicki Chilled 2,035,298 4,083
chicki    FJB
Sinerania 7831 chicki FJB 546,006 753