3480 rank

43,959,929 points

5,759 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Rickwithahat22    Tarongo Legends
Jaims 3480 Rickwithahat22 Tarongo Legends 43,959,929 5,759
Rickwithahat22    bhakhakhokian empire
Korch 3566 Rickwithahat22 bhakhakhokian empire 40,061,931 4,554
Rickwithahat22    Beandaitch
Houndsmoor 4655 Rickwithahat22 Beandaitch 32,734,975 3,460
Rickwithahat22    Bludgers
Brisgard 5150 Rickwithahat22 Bludgers 24,723,588 2,852
Rickwithahat22    Baby Steps
Arvahall 5651 Rickwithahat22 Baby Steps 24,332,502 2,670
Rickwithahat22    Plonkers Almighty
East-Nagach 4744 Rickwithahat22 Plonkers Almighty 24,281,246 2,921
Rickwithahat22    The Cheezels
Dinegu 4913 Rickwithahat22 The Cheezels 23,149,114 3,099
Rickwithahat22    Mutts and Butts
Parkog 3361 Rickwithahat22 Mutts and Butts 14,016,821 2,720
Rickwithahat22    demonsofunderground
Greifental 6062 Rickwithahat22 demonsofunderground 11,162,868 2,291