13699 rank

188,155 points

322 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Soc the Proph    Aussie Battlers
Korch 736 Soc the Proph Aussie Battlers 432,020,942 105,829
Soc the Proph    Tranquility
Brisgard 1150 Soc the Proph Tranquility 322,598,599 109,647
Soc the Proph    Wolves of Dinegu
Dinegu 1271 Soc the Proph Wolves of Dinegu 276,853,094 114,339
Soc the Proph   
East-Nagach 12856 Soc the Proph 365,428 613
Soc the Proph   
Jaims 13699 Soc the Proph 188,155 322