7969 rank

3,370,381 points

775 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
cptspookuk    Defenders of realms
Fel Dranghyr 7893 cptspookuk Defenders of realms 4,096,309 2,155
cptspookuk    The Britons
Cirgard 8675 cptspookuk The Britons 3,729,665 867
cptspookuk    kingMonier
Dinegu 8426 cptspookuk kingMonier 3,581,385 1,054
cptspookuk    England
Odhrorvar 7410 cptspookuk England 3,464,871 731
cptspookuk    Castleoak UK
Jaims 7969 cptspookuk Castleoak UK 3,370,381 775
cptspookuk    O A P,s United
Mount Killmore 8203 cptspookuk O A P,s United 3,337,238 573
cptspookuk    the kingdom
East-Nagach 8605 cptspookuk the kingdom 3,192,881 786
cptspookuk    taylor
Korch 8224 cptspookuk taylor 2,736,748 563
cptspookuk    Republic Scottsmen
Brisgard 9836 cptspookuk Republic Scottsmen 2,727,961 616