13476 rank

241,022 points

92 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Berty the Badger    Kin Hellfire
Dinegu 4026 Berty the Badger Kin Hellfire 31,163,893 13,238
Berty the Badger    🏵 SMEE 🐛
Fel Dranghyr 5030 Berty the Badger 🏵 SMEE 🐛 16,239,178 7,500
Berty the Badger   
Brisgard 7955 Berty the Badger 5,834,049 3,124
Berty the Badger   
Arvahall 9479 Berty the Badger 4,084,477 2,800
Berty the Badger    NUTS
Tuulech 2485 Berty the Badger NUTS 4,068,441 1,909
Berty the Badger   
Sinerania 4708 Berty the Badger 3,366,319 1,720
Berty the Badger   
Cirgard 12396 Berty the Badger 632,977 341
Berty the Badger    Sand Storm
Uceria 3593 Berty the Badger Sand Storm 595,295 176
Berty the Badger   
East-Nagach 12080 Berty the Badger 522,516 221
Berty the Badger   
Noarsil 11386 Berty the Badger 483,038 241
Berty the Badger   
Mount Killmore 12546 Berty the Badger 481,817 134
Berty the Badger   
Langendorn 11320 Berty the Badger 439,183 114
Berty the Badger   
Rugnir 8935 Berty the Badger 413,999 137
Berty the Badger   
Parkog 8734 Berty the Badger 338,794 106
Berty the Badger   
Odhrorvar 12092 Berty the Badger 308,500 112
Berty the Badger   
Jaims 13476 Berty the Badger 241,022 92
Berty the Badger   
Greifental 13651 Berty the Badger 221,421 96
Berty the Badger   
Korch 14050 Berty the Badger 185,505 89