65 rank

2,649,122,096 points

551,875 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
It torta    Revenants
Jaims 65 It torta Revenants 2,649,122,096 551,875
It torta    Mandalorian Covert
Mount Killmore 5293 It torta Mandalorian Covert 15,650,097 31,718
It torta    Knights Manor
Cirgard 7481 It torta Knights Manor 7,032,899 13,531
Brisgard 8273 It torta THE ROUND TABLE 6,122,282 16,021
It torta    Mandalorian Covert
Arvahall 10342 It torta Mandalorian Covert 3,427,348 8,735
It torta    fortort
Dinegu 8550 It torta fortort 3,249,500 8,593
It torta    The Stepping Dragons
Langendorn 9427 It torta The Stepping Dragons 1,047,329 4,963
It torta    Raiders
Houndsmoor 11403 It torta Raiders 889,391 5,071