11007 rank

651,956 points

456 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Thales the Noble 170    Inglorious Bastards
East-Nagach 11148 Thales the Noble 170 Inglorious Bastards 780,655 467
Thales the Noble 170    SilentFew
Odhrorvar 10070 Thales the Noble 170 SilentFew 734,302 462
Thales the Noble 170    Heroes
Greifental 10938 Thales the Noble 170 Heroes 691,311 438
Thales the Noble 170    THE IMPERIUM
Jaims 11007 Thales the Noble 170 THE IMPERIUM 651,956 456
Thales the Noble 170    Zombergim
Noarsil 10664 Thales the Noble 170 Zombergim 627,984 451
Thales the Noble 170    ICARUS risen
Mount Killmore 11803 Thales the Noble 170 ICARUS risen 618,183 453
Thales the Noble 170    Curones
Houndsmoor 12384 Thales the Noble 170 Curones 566,084 464